Friday, November 7, 2008


Progress Check

Design Concept

•Christmas month
•Christmas feeling will be create
•Create a kind of happiness and share joy together.
•Red, white, blue, black and green color will be use frequently.
•Santa Claus and christmas stuff will be create in flash to let it looks interesting.
•4 famous movie will be the special show for the month for all the races.
•Not only for adult but also for children.


Software uses

•Adobe Illustrator CS3
•Adobe Photoshop CS3
•Adobe Flash CS3
•Adobe Premiere Pro

•Santa Claus animate will be create by Adobe Illustrator CS3 and Adobe Flash CS3
•Snowing effect will be create in Adobe Flash CS3.
•Star blinking are create by Adobe Illustrator import to Adobe Flash CS3
•The montage of the starting of montion graphic will be create in Adobe Illustrator CS3 in ai file export to Adobe Flash CS3.
•Those movie trailer which download from youtube in mpeg-4 files will be convert to flv/swf to import in Adobe Flash CS3.

•We cover 3 races movie.
•4 different language movie will be broadcast.
•Jingle Bell will be use to be the background music.
•Voice over which introduce those movie will be insert by using Ulead.

Individual Tasks/Participation/Teamwork

•The final decision of the concept are made after our group discussion and it is agree by all the group member.
•Once the design concept decided, we assign our work differenly and we do have a group check up once per 2 day.
•We also updated and cooperate within each other to get the way to doing flash and anime.

•Lau Wai San - Create Motion Graphic, background music
•Loo Guat Siew- Tracing Graphic,
drawing graphic
•Chan Mei Kee- Convert Video format,
Edit video trailer
•Chua Kia Huey- Snowing effect,
voice over

Progress Check
View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: assignment)

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