Monday, November 24, 2008

Final Report

The TV station that had been given to us is RTM2. The purpose of this project is to create or redesign a program for the particular station. After considered some factors, our group decided to create an information program which is “Hot movies on December”. Christmas day falls on 25th of December. Therefore this month everyone will have Christmas feeling. We decided to let audiences have a stronger Christmas feel and feel the happiness and share joys with family members and friends. For the brainstorming part, every group member needs to draw out a storyline to show tutor to get a better idea. After that, our tutor Ms.Cheok suggests some idea to us and combines the good content as well.
The main colors that we used in design are red, white, blue, black and green color. The main character in our program is Santa Clause. Santa Clause and those Christmas stuffs such as Christmas tree, bells, Christmas decorations are important to bring the Christmas feel. We decided to create those stuffs by using Adobe Flash and Adobe After Effect in order to make it look more interesting and nicer. During that month, there are four nice movies that we had selected to broadcast which are suitable for all races and different level of generations. They are Sepet, Money No Enough 2, Polar Express and Aashayein
To provide visual and audio treatment, before start edit the video trailer, we are proud to invite our Public speaking’s lecturer Mr. Johnny Chin to record the voice over for this project.

First scene
A snowman will fall down from sky to the land and then follow by our project title which is “Hot movies on December”. The purpose of the first scene is to inform audience what movies will be coming soon. Hence, the title should be shown clearly in the first scene.
Second scene
A Christmas tree will grow up from bottom top and the movement is followed by some words. Those words will descript about those movies that we had selected for the particular month. The words are Funny, Exciting, Interesting, Memorable, Motivation and Enjoyable.
Third scene
A Santa will appear from sky from the top right to the top left and he will give some gifts by dropping some present to ground. The purpose of this action is to show that RTM 2 will bring audience some nice movies during the Christmas month in order to bring happiness to audience. An extra audio sound will be added in to this scene to play the Santa’s laughing sound which is “Hohoho, RTM2 Wished you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year”.
The movie trailer will show out accordingly such as 6th December 2008 is Sepet, 13th December 2008 is Money No Enough-2, 20 December 2008 is Polar Express and 27 December 2008 is Aashayien. Those movie trailers are accompanying with voice to provide both visual and audio treatment to audience. Movie trailer is an important element to attract audience and cause audience to memories the date more effectively.
After that, a visual treatment provides a clear schedule of all the movies to show time to audience. The background will change to a Christmas tree set at left hand side and the schedule will appear from top to bottom as well.
The last scene will show a snowman, RTM2’s logo, and some text. The text is about “Merry christmas” and the RTM2’s logo mean those hot movies are presented to you by RTM2.

Those techniques that we had used in this motion graphic are Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Flash, Adobe After Effect and Ulead Video Studio.
For the first frame, we have included snowman and background with the blue color and the falling snow to clearly indicate that we are doing a program to celebrate Christmas in this assignment. In addition, the title of our program is “Hot Movies on December”. The title is shown on frame done by using Adobe Aftre Effect. We trace the snowman by using Adobe Illustrator and motion tween by Adobe Flash. Next, the falling snow is done by using Adobe After Effect and its falling speed had been adjusted. The font that we used for the title is Narkisim.
For the second frame, we had included Christmas tree and some of the information about those movies and Christmas event. The Christmas tree have done by using frame by frame masking to show become more effective and graphic. About the information, the fonts that we used are Browallia UPC and Jasmine UPC and the size is around 34 to 48.
The background scene, Santa at the moon, and some of the presents are included in the third frame. All of these items are traced by Adobe Illustrator. Next, the Santa at the moon and presents are using motion tween to show that Santa drops presents to the ground.
By the way, four movie trailers had been edited by using Ulead Video Studio. Then, we had combined all four movies by using different transition. The movie name, time and date had been included on the movies scene too. Besides, the background had been traced by Adobe Illustrator. The word “Merry Christmas” has written by Adobe After Effect and the font type is Hobo STD and size of font is 24.
For the following frame, we are using the same background with the third frame. The star Christmas tree had been added on the background and it was drawn by Adobe Illustrator. This frame shows the complete information of the movies. The font that we used is High Tower Text, size is 24 and have edited with Adobe After Effect.
The last frame has included the background scene and logo. All of this was traced by Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Flash. Then, the “Merry Christmas” word is using Adobe After Effect to make it more interesting and cooper black font with the size 24. We had used Alpha to the logo.

Problems and Solution
We have to overcome a lot of problems when we producing those video clips. Some of those problems are such as we are not familiar with software for editing. Those software are such as Adobe Flash, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe After Effect and Ulead Video Studio. Since we are not familiar with those software the output that we created is slightly different with the original concept.
The first problem that we faced was due to the video clips. Ulead Video Studio is the software that we used for the video trailer part. First of all we have to download those video clips from the website or from some other websites. Next we need to convert those video clips from the downloaded flash (FLV) file to AVI file in order to edit it in Ulead Video Studio. At the beginning state we found that those video that we had converted are failed to export successfully where those video only have graphic but no audio. We had tried many times but still do not have audio. Later on we decided to change another converter and finally we are able to create the video clips both with audio and graphic.
The second problem is about the font size and type. Initially we planned to use those fonts size and type that in Adobe Flash but those fonts were not up to our satisfaction(two dimension) therefore we decided to edit those words using Adobe After Effect. By using Adobe After Effect, those words will look nicer compare to Adobe Flash (three dimension). Another problem is the snow background. It moves smoothly in Adobe Flash but after combine all those elements in Adobe After Effect, the snow were stay and will not fall down as we desired. Since we are not familiar with Adobe After Effect, we have to learn the lesson from and other websites as well.
Last but not least, the RTM2 logo which we had downloaded from website is not clear enough for us to use in Adobe Flash. In order to solve this problem, we have to trace out the RTM2 logo by using Adobe Illustrator and do again to obtain a nicer and clearer visual aid.

Individual Tasks/Participation/Teamwork
The final decisions of the concept had been made after we had done our group discussion and it is agree by the entire group member. After the design concept had been decided, the first step is to assign different part to each member. We do have a group check up once per two day to make sure the project is in progress. In addition, we also update and cooperate within each other to get the way to do flash and anime so that we can complete the project on time.
Chan Mei Kee – In order to complete the project, she is required to prepare with knowledge in converting video format. She has to find different software and operate it in order to successfully convert the video into a useable file. Furthermore, she has to use different kind of software to edit so that can make it lively and interesting. Other than that, she also take part in prepared the final report.
Chua Kia Huey – She is in charge on Adobe Flash and Adobe After Effect. Other than that, she will upload the blog every week. At the end of the project, she has the responsibilities to combine every element in graphic part into final output.
Lau Wai San - She is in charge on Adobe Flash, Adobe Illustrator and Adobe After Effect. She has the responsibilities to combine all the graphic part with Chua Kia huey.
Loo Guat Siew – She is expert in Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop, she take the responsibilities in tracing and drawing those graphic to provide a nicer view to audience. Other than that, she also takes part in prepared the final report.

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